The Alternative – Non-state Higher Education in Europe

The establishment and operation of non-state higher education institutions is an indicator of the willingness of civil society and the business community to commit to the adequate education of future generations. Although higher education institutions in Europe are primarily seen as a task of governments (and funded accordingly), a strong non-state higher education sector has also emerged over the last 20 years through private engagement. This engagement is an expression of:
  • the promotion of the common good by civil society,
  • the pursuit of educational diversity and differentiation in higher education,
  • the desire for more autonomous higher education institutions,
  • the promotion of more ownership in education,
  • the affirmation of competition as an effective driver of innovation, quality, and efficiency in higher education
The study, supported by the member associations of EUPHE provides an overview of the state of development of non-state higher education institutions in Europe and the political, legal, and economic framework conditions that apply to them.


The study is available in print and e-book versions in German and English.